This month, we [kelli and vanessa] have the honor and privilege to review another great book by Zondervan. Time For Bed, Sleepyhead is written by New York Times bestselling author and renowned psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen. This cozy bedtime book uses visualization techniques in the storytelling to encourage a child to stretch and even exhaust their imaginations to help them drift off into peaceful sleep.
I have to be honest with you and start out by saying that my amazing husband does the nightly bedtime routine with our son, Ezra. So, I figured I should let the main bedtime storyteller, review this book! Rather than ask him a bunch of questions….and relay it all to you, it is my pleasure to introduce you to REED…..
Hello blog world! Yes, I love that Ezra and I get to share stories and prayers before bed every night. I am really trying to soak in every moment and enjoy this time every evening. Ezra has always been a night owl, like his Mom [ha!], so we have been working on getting him to bed earlier now that he is getting up for pre-k three days a week.

I have tried everything…..three books, four books, telling made-up stories, the list goes on. He would still be awake…..Until….I started reading “Time For Bed, Sleepyhead.”. He now requests this every night and it is the only book I need to read. Ezra always wants to be “Aslan” the white german shepherd puppy in the story, and he assigns me to be the “Daddy” bear. The story is great about repeating certain words, which helps to set the mood to safe, warm, and luckily for me, sleepy.

At the end of the story, Ezra will turn to me and say, “good night, Dad” then rolls over and closes his eyes. I usually stay a few more minutes and say more prayers over him, thanking God for the little arrow he is, knowing all the good that’s in-store for him when tomorrow comes.
I would definitely recommend this book and you can find it here.
Thank you Zondervan for publishing such great children books. We’ve enjoyed building a library of great books for our son.

Photography by: Kelli Trontel
Bed Sheets: Land of Nod
Comforter: Pottery Barn Kids
Pajamas: Gap Kids
Stuffed Animal: Anthropologie