IMG_8857I say this every year…..and I’m sure I’ll continue to say it year after year.

I can’t believe my baby is FOUR!!!

The biggest change in Ezra was from three to four. He seems so grown up these days. His vocabulary has expanded greatly. His imagination is wild and fun. He still loves to sing….all day long, which makes this mama so proud. I love it with all my heart.

Sweet boy, what I love most about you is your curious mind and compassionate heart.

I pray that your natural awareness of people is something that never dims. What a powerful and unique quality this is, in a world where we can all be self-absorbed and consumed with our own happenings. I love that you notice people…..and you step out of your little comfort zone to engage with friends, as well as strangers- whether that’s at our shop or the park. It’s the sweetest thing. Even when you play “shy” it’s so sweet.

We had four whole years together as a family of three….and in just a few months we will be welcoming a new baby sister to our family. She is so lucky to have YOU as her big brother. I can’t wait to see you as a brother…..your love for her is already so sweet, I can’t wait to till you see her for the first time, and hold her and kiss her. You were born for this…..

Thank you for being such a sweet boy. You have brought such joy to my life, even in the midst of pain and loss this past year. You are indeed “Gods Help” as your name means. You have been tender, loving & encouraging….and you have taught me much about the love of our great God, who loves us so perfectly.

Love you to the moon and back!

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