Category Archives: Our Little Man

Seattle Trip


Last month the three of us drove to Seattle. The road trip was great. Ezra does really well in the car.

These few days away as a family were so refreshing to us…..especially this momma, who didn’t realize she was suffocating a bit in her small town and just being in the big city for a few days….experience all the God moments that took place while we were there….was SO very good for my heart & soul. I’ll be posting a part 2 of this Seattle re-cap and share more about how God used a few people to show me things that I needed to see. It’s incredible. God is so good….like SO good!

We stayed downtown and walked everywhere. Everyday.

We drank coffee. Multiple times a day. We loved visiting Storyville Coffee at Pikes Market, and of course…..we hit up our beloved, Stumptown Coffee on Pine.

Ezra LOVED looking out our hotel room window….the view really is incredible when you’re looking down. His amazement over the little things is always so refreshing.

We walked so much that we quickly needed to find a stroller for Ezra , which we left at home….so we found a SHARK STROLLER at Target. The stroller was a hit with not only little man, but every single person that walked by us….everywhere we went!

Our days weren’t filled to the brim with things to do….so our time together was sweet.

Here’s a re-cap of our time downtown in photos….[the ZOO gets its own post…..coming up next!]




// What FAMILY coffee shop dates look like



We love City Beach


We certainly soaked up the last remaining days of summertime. We live just a few miles from Whitefish Lake / City Beach… I tried to spend as such time outdoors and around water and sand as much as we could. Proof of some good time spent outdoors has been sandal tan lines on Ezra’s chunky little feet!

A summertime highlight was meeting daddy for dinner at the lake….or the park….he was always so good at bringing yummy pizzas and fresh salads to us as we cooled off from hot days on the water.

This summer was so much fun. I’ve loved nothing more than to spend so much time with my sweet baby boy. One on one. His vocabulary is expanding daily and he explores everything in sight. This time and season, as just the two of us…..has been so very sweet for this mommas heart. I’ve absolutely treasured these days….



Our Little Explorers Birthday Party!

IMG_8980My baby is TWO!!

Did I really just type that out?

This past weekend we celebrated Ezra’s 2nd birthday at our house, with a few of his little buddies. Seems like it was just yesterday when we brought him home and then celebrated his 1st birthday!

My favorite table at the party was the make-you-own TRAIL MIX bar! Favorite details included all the painted rocks and sticks, which Ezra and I gathered together. I’ll blog more in depth details later this week.

The theme for this year was quite fitting for this season in his life……LITTLE EXPLORER.

I pray that Ezra will always be an explorer… explorer of people all around the world, Gods love and Gods beautiful creation. I found this verse earlier in the week….and I pray this over his life:

For you will go out with joy And be led forth with peace; The mountains and the hills will break fourth into shouts of joy before you, And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” –Isaiah 55:12

A memory for the books….and quite possibly a story for the future wedding day happened at his party. Im still laughing about it as I type this out.

As Ezra was picking at his smash cake, his hands were getting pretty “mess” as he would say. As I was photographing every move [yep, I was THAT mom at the party] I noticed him looking at his hands strangely. He went from licking fingers to an awkward stare. Then, the next thing out of his hands had all the guests laughing hysterically……Ezra shouted “POOP HANDS!!!!”

WHAT?!?! Oh my.

I guess chocolate frosting does kinda look like that.

Needless to say, we had a wonderful time celebrating our little man.

We love you, sweet Ezra. Happy Birthday!
xoxoxo, momma & daddy


// I realized at the end of the night that momma didn’t get a photo with the birthday boy! So, before the deck lights got turned off for the night….we took a birthday photo. Someone was on a sugar high, but we also lifted two fingers to the big TWO YEAR OLD!IMG_9269IMG_9271

// My friend Carrie helped me plan this party [as well as my baby shower and Ezras 1st birthday], she is such a blessing to me. Her creativity inspires me…..and I am truly thankful to have a friend like her, who loves my family so well. Thank you for all of your time and assistance, my friend! I couldn’t pull off days like these without you.IMG_9251

Ezra’s beautiful smash cake was made by Jessi of Arrowleaf Baking Co.

Table accessories and decor were generously gifted by Bear Grass Garden Events.

More images can be found over 100 Layer Cake-let too!