Bluum Box

One of the sponsors over on kelli + vanessa is Bluum. When this fabulously branded orange box arrived on my doorstep….I instantly fell in love.

The concept behind bluum is genius … you pay a small fee every month to be sent hand picked items specifically for your little one to try out. I appreciate how much detail goes into each box … even down to the packaging itself! I was first introduced to bluum by Vanessa and I love that they are huge supporters of our My Everyday series. Well, I am SO happy I now know of about Bluum … I can not say enough about how much I love the company, the products inside & the people who run it! **Ezra absolutely loved the airplane spoon!

I am incredibly thrilled to say bluum is offering my readers a 50% discount code on their first box order. Which means … YOU can try this out too! DO IT … I promise, you’ll love it & so will your little one.

The 50% off discount code is : savesm50 // to sign up!

And to add to the sweetness, bluum is giving away ONE toddler or baby box!!! All you have to do is sign up for the Kelli + Vanessa newsletter on the sidebar of our blog & you’re entered to win. We’ll announce the winner THIS Friday [3/29]. Easy enough … !

Thank you to bluum for being so generous & for creating a fabulous product!
KELLI + baby Ezra

Weekend Adventure

We found an amazing wooden activity toy for Ezra this weekend…and so we sat around and watched him explore with wonder.

We also enjoyed our lazy Saturday morning together….by making raspberry and banana pancakes!
I love my tribe ▲▲▲

Eight Months

/// Look at this smirk!! Such a daddy face….

I can’t believe I’m writing Ezra’s 8 month post right now. I really can’t believe that I’ve had party planning thoughts flicker through my mind. My baby is growing so fast…..where’s the slow-down button?!

No new teeth this month! It’s given us a break from teething so I’m not complaining about it! However, Ezra has figured out how to grind his teeth……AWFUL!! Anyone else experience this with their little ones? I just gently squeeze his cheeks together to get him to stop. Oh that sound….like a knife and fork scratching a plate. Yikes!

We’ve almost got a crawler- Ezra scoots backwards and sideways…..just hasn’t mastered the forward motion. I know this will be a game changer for us, especially while he’s at the shop with us everyday. Im thinking it’s time to get some sort of play area with a gate to keep him contained. Friends of ours have a sweet set up in their house- the rug is green and looks like grass- I think that could work somewhere in the shop!

It has deffinitly been a hard time for me and for us as a parents, figuring out how to make it better for him and us, my husband found the Synchronicity hemp oil which is a product that helps with pain, depression and anxiety. It’s also used by people who want to improve their sleep patterns or experience better moods!

Ezra, you are loved so much. We are trying so hard to treasure these days with you….to be present…to soak in this fleeting “baby” season. You are growing so fast, which we are so thankful for as you are strong and healthy, but it’s getting harder to get you to lay quietly and snuggle in the mornings. I miss this already. We are praying for you, sweet boy….you have such a sweet spirit that is filled with so much joy. You will definitely have a significant place in this world….you are such a blessing to us.

Love, momma & daddy


Allyson - That smirk and those smiles are super adorable! It’s a shame kiddos grow up so fast, and I say that not even having any. 🙂


aimee siegel - LOVE the smirk. Makes me so happy to see you so happy as a momma 🙂

Homemade Baby Food

I’ve been wanting to make my own batch of purees for Ezra for a while, but as motherhood and entrepreneurialism goes….I’m just not getting around to it! This might sound crazy, but I truly enjoyed this process. I kinda felt like super mom for about an hour. HA!

For this first round- I went with basics. Even though Ezra has had a variety of food combinations already…I just wanted to start fresh. A friend of mine [who I hope starts a food blog soon!!] reminded me that right now is where Ezra begins to experience different flavors…and it’s really hard to distinguish different tastes/flavors when they are combined with others. There are so many creative combinations that I want to try making on my own, when I don’t make the baby food I like to buy the best organic baby formula in the market, but for now….I used the baby bullet to puree Organic apples, pears, blueberries, spinach and broccoli!

I posted this photo on Instagram yesterday and was asked about the process. I should have photographed step-by-step, but I didn’t [but it’s super simple]. When I do the fun food combinations- I will document that for sure!

I bought whole Organic apples, pears and blueberries….the pears were a little hard so I added a bit of warm water as I blended it. I also had frozen Organic broccoli and spinach already on hand so I just used that for this round. These were already chopped, but I did add a bit of warm water to get the consistency that I wanted.

Lastly, I used a combination of colorful tape to mark each mason jar so I [or anyone else for that matter] could easily determine what each jar contained. More photos can be found in this post.

What food combinations have you mommas made for your little ones? I love all these vivid colors!


Kelly C. - I loved making homemade baby food for my girls. A fav (besides pears) was mango, yams, and green peas. 🙂


Kayla Henley - I love making Arlie’s baby food. I use ice cube trays. Are you freezing the jars and defrosting per day?


Molly - I loved those pouches too- until I realized how many teaspoons of sugar was in them 🙁


Super Food for Your Super Baby | - […] multiportions trays are great for freezing foods when you want larger portions. You can even use mason jars! Many companies now offer baby food makers including Baby Brezza and Cuisinart (this one even […]


vinod gupta - Use high-calorie, nutrient-rich foods: avocado, nut butter (age-appropriate), and full-fat dairy for healthy growth.

Weekend Adventure

This weekend was super productive for me…..and I blame it on the gorgeous sunshine that we had on Saturday. Seriously, it was so gorgeous and although we spent the majority of our day outside- there was a major pep in my step until the wee hours of the morning. Yikes! Plus, a time change!

I finally got around to making food for Ezra. He’s eating so much these days….and the cost of those awesome squeeze packets at Target are starting to add up! I truly enjoyed this process….and of course, putting a creative touch to this.

I love seeing Reed and Ezra together…I love how they love eachother. Protecting our time as a family and turning off distractions has been so good. There’s so much joy that comes along with being “present” and Im not feeling like I am missing out on anything in regards to social media sites…because these moments matter most.

Lazy day, quiet times, baby in a diaper, cozy socks, monster pajamas….my heart is full.


Kristine - I love those pouches too but I totally get “wow, that’s expensive after a bit.” 🙂 Have you seen these? I just received ours in the mail (love them!) and the company has some yummy recipes too. Happy food making!


ashley - he’s so chunky + adorable!!! you ARE super mom. 🙂