Category Archives: Our Little Man

First Bike!

We bought Ezra his very first bike today… baby has a BIKE!!!

We opted for the no pedal-balance bike….starting him young!

My baby….is not so baby anymore. I’m slowly coming to terms with this.

In one sense his babe characteristics came through as he was scared to actually be on the bike, but he had no problem whatsoever lifting the bike up off the ground, while walking around the parking lot with it….like a boss. Such a stud. Gosh, I love him.

As funny as it may seem….Reed pulled up a youtube video of a toddler riding this exact bike and it actually gave Ezra a boost of confidence to try it himself! He’ll try anything he sees another “baby” do.

This one is for the books….a huge step forward in growth and development.

Sweet Ezra, we look forward to many family bike rides with you this summer….you have such an adventurous and curious spirit….we love experiencing this world through your eyes. We love you, little man. XOXO


Handsome Valentine

This is the second annual Valentine photo session that my neighbor Lindsey and I have collaborated on together. Just us and our boys. I love this tradition that we started……and although it takes a bit of time, planning [and patience], it’s totally worth it. As photographers, we dream up ideas for everybody else….so it’s fun and rewarding to carve out a bit of time and do the same for ourselves. Our set ups are always simple….white wall, a Valentine garland and our little loves. Due to the age of our boys….we’re talking 10-15 minutes max [and a whole lot of peek-a-boo and cookies!]. You can see last years set up here.

Seriously, I’d love to encourage all you mommas out there to get together with a fellow momma friend and just get in photos with your little ones. Believe me….it’s easy to just put it off, but once you do it…..the reward is such a treasure.

Hope you all have a sweet Valentines Day with your loves.
x’s & o’s


// Here are a few of my favorites of Lindsey and her little guy [with a rad tattoo!]

Adventures In Florida!

Ezra certainly experiences so much when we get the opportunity to travel, especially when we go on the road [for a Fresh Life O2 Experience tour!]. It’s always a jammed packed week and we intentionally squeeze a lot into our days off and time away from the venues- like eating food that we don’t have in Montana and putting our toes in the sand at the beach! Speaking of food, Ezra experienced his first hamburger ever and this happened at Shake Shack! I always thought it would be an In-N-Out burger, but this joint was ridiculously good. We were not disappointed at all. Oh and Florida oranges….don’t even get me started. Yum!

Ezra loves the sand….and loves the water, so Florida was a fun little getaway for my little man. Ezra and I flew to Ft. Lauderdale last week so momma could photograph the O2 Experience, which was held in Ft. Lauderdale, Miami and Melbourne. You’ve got to check out Pastor Levi’s blog for the re-cap of the event. Truly incredible.

The question I get the most is “how does Ezra do while traveling?” Ezra is pretty good when it comes to going with the flow. He’s only 18 months old, so being strapped to my lap on an airplane for 3+ hours gets a little boring [for him- not for me- I’m just trying to keep him entertained!], but we have to get creative [with lots of snacks on hand!]. We also had many late nights and a few long car rides to adjust to during the week. All in all, he did great! I love being able to reward him with allowing him to explore a bit, whether it’s on stage at the venue [yes, helping unpack guitar cases, testing out the microphones and chasing the stage lights] or in this case….playing on the beach!

It truly is a blessing to be able to bring Ezra along with me. I love being part of this ministry and movement and having him along for the ride. I love that he gets to see us doing what we love…rather than keeping him away from it. So thankful.

Here’s a glimpse into last weeks adventures in Florida…..

// Ft. Lauderdale venue | Calvary Chapel Playground

// Miami Beach

// Melbourne, Florida

// Melbourne venue | Calvary Chapel

// Indian Harbour Beach | Melbourne, Florida

04 / 52


“a portrait of Ezra, once a week…every week, in 2014.”
A Montana boy at heart, but there’s definitely a place held dear for the ocean and sand.
Indian Harbour Beach // Melbourne, Florida

Merry Christmas

I am so very thankful for the gift that God gave us in His Son, Jesus.

A baby in a manager changed everything…..and our prayer this year is that even more hearts prepare Him room in their hearts.

From our tribe to yours…..Merry Christmas!

trontel christmas-fronttrontel christmas-back