A 4th Of July Tradition


Our 4th of July celebration wouldn’t be complete without visiting our local and favorite firework stand…..to take photos!

The story begins here, at week 39 in my maternity photo series with Ezra, in 2012. Then again in 2013, which we called BOOM POW! And again in 2014…..then 2015. Cant believe this my fifth year returning to this stand and Ezra’s 4th year joining me. This tradition is sweet to our hearts. We also love seeing the owners of the stand, year after year. They greet us with smiles and hugs- so sweet.


Same location. Same 4,000 SPECIAL FIRECRACKER. Same baby boy [in salt water sandals], who is just getting bigger. I can’t believe my BABY BOY will be FOUR YEARS OLD tomorrow!!
IMG_8554IMG_8569IMG_8544IMG_8542This year IS a little different though……we have a another baby on the way!!! So we had to document a little bit of that too! And for the first time ever….DADDY got in a photo with us! He’s the one behind the camera for this, but someone offered to take our photo and Im so glad we got a family photo this year!

IMG_8550IMG_8585IMG_8582IMG_8595Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July weekend!


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