Desktop Download Repinned by FREE PEOPLE!

Ashley recently sent me a text saying that Free People pinned last months Desktop Download on their “wise words” pinterest board. What?!? So awesome. It would have been even more super awesome had we been credited for our work, but it’s what comes with the online territory these days. Oh well.

However, we are thrilled that many of you are enjoying this series, which we have been releasing monthly for over a year now! It’s been a fun collaboration that forces us to constantly come up with creative ideas….and I love searching for new quotes- it’s definitely a highlight of the process for me.

Summer Days

The summertime is beautiful here in Whitefish, Montana. Our little resort town is filled to capacity from June-September. It’s a good thing….especially for those who own businesses in the area and rely on tourism to keep a dream afloat. Some would argue and complain about the “traffic” and I respect their opinion- of course I would never tell anyone where true fly fishermen spend their days on the water. Now thats a secret!

With summertime being such a busy season for us at the shop….we treasure the time we get to spend at the cabin.

Ezra enjoys LOVES water. The life vest? Now, thats a whole other blog post [he’s not a fan]. This was his first time sitting in the shallow part of the lake and even the super heavy diaper and pruney fingers & toes couldn’t keep him out of there!

Raising a little boy in Montana is an adventure indeed! I’m thrilled that Ezra gets to experience these moments in life.


Allyson - That face, that diaper butt, and that last photo = perfection! Such sweet memories. 🙂



Iquo Udoekong - Your son is adorable! He looks like he’s having so much fun!

My Arrow

Arrows. Its much more than a pointer or trendy directional symbol to me. From the moment we found out that a baby was on the way…the Lord hushed my anxious mind and reminded me of what His word says about children.

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth. -Psalms 127:4

The hidden focus of this verse is not about children, but about the archer. As parents, we are the archer’s….and it is the archer’s job to shoot the arrow toward its target. Parents are like the archer as they direct their children towards Jesus, their gifts and callings.

I took an archery lesson at a summer camp many years ago. It was hot. I was sweating…and pulling the bow back in order to release the arrow was NOT easy. At all. It was a lot of hard work…and I remember the activity instructor saying that it’s all about “repetitive consistency and accuracy.” Little did I know that I would be tying this message into my life and blogging about it!

We are in a new series at church called Microphone. It’s pretty much rocking my world right now. I’m very familiar with words such as “platform” and “influence,” [as these words get thrown around in social media circles], but it’s been so great to be reminded of what the Bible says about this. Pastor Levi has covered topics such as pain, purity & family…as platforms of influence. [It’s not just about Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!]. I don’t want to throw social media under the bus here, but those who desire to build an audience and readership- we know it takes the investment of time to build that. How much more nurturing do our children deserve? This past weekend was titled ” The Family Is A Microphone.” If you can set aside some time to listen to the series– I highly recommend it.

To all the moms reading this….look no further than your home as you seek to have a greater platform and influence. There’s not a sweeter place to invest your efforts than your home. Do this with joy! This is my anthem this year.

Last weekends message at church really hit home to me. There is no greater responsibility than raising children. Yes, it’s a lot of hard work. There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes. What we do, as mothers…matters. As long as there is breath in our lungs….our job is never “done.” I often hear parents refer to their job being done once their kids turn eighteen and/or leave the nest. I beg to differ. What our kids need from us as newborns, 10 year olds, 18 year olds, 35 year olds and 50 year olds…will differ as seasons change, but the bottom line is that we will always have influence as we steward this responsibility well.

Ezra is a little warrior that we are raising up…we pray daily that he comes to know and love Jesus with all his heart and mind. To live a life committed to the Word of God. Reed and I have made mistakes in the past….and have discussed in great detail how we would like to raise Ezra up in a different way than how we were raised. We are not bashing our parents or our upbringing, but we do desire to parent and lead by a new standard. We believe it’s powerful and productive for each generation to be stronger than the last….and we want to pass on a rich legacy to Ezra.

Children watch our every move and pay close attention to the words we speak. It’s not helpful to look at babies as merely babies. Ezra is 13 months old today and he is already mimicking little things that I do. Arrows in the hands of warriors- this is a really big deal. We are in training- a life-long boot camp.

So my arrow….yes, permanently placed on my arm….not only a reminder of my son, but my calling in life. A mother- a leader- an example- a parenting partnership with Reed- the main focus in life being the end target. I don’t take this lightly and I can’t afford to either.

“The Bible describes children as arrows in the hand of a warrior. They are weapons to be launched out as bright lights in a dark world. As parents we are archers and our job is to do all we can to help them hit the target.” -pastor Levi Lusko [read his full blog post here]

Be Encouraged! Lead Well! Start today!


April - Kelli,
I love the tattoo and everything it symbolizes. Thank you for speaking these words of truth…..I needed to hear this today.


Kathryn - Beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I needed that reminder today.

One Year Birthday Party

We celebrated Ezra’s 1st birthday with a few of his little buddies and family, who visited us from Wisconsin & Illinois by car & airplane. This was the first time for Ezra to meet this side of my family….it was a super special celebration. The party was held at the family cabin, where we spent lots of time last summer when Ezra’s was brand new. It’s a quiet and peaceful place, with stunning views all around.

I decided to keep the “Little Brave Man” theme for his birthday, which was also the theme of my baby shower. I loved pulling out all the arrows and triangles that were handmade by my sweet friends. The day brought back so many wonderful memories of my pregnancy that I loved so much.

The day consisted of Ezra’s favorite things:: playing in the sand, hanging out with his little friends, eating, smiling and laughing…..and playing Peek-A-Boo in his new teepee!

We all had so much fun celebrating Ezra. He is loved….oh so much!

food table styled by Carrie Rowe
cupcakes & smash cake by Jessy Hanson
illustrated chalkboard by Chelsea Yap


Charis - These pics are amazing!! Love your sweet little family and thanks for sharing!


Michelle Houghton - CUTE!! I’ve been following you on IG for a while now since we have boys about the same age and I have to say Ezra has the cutest little face! I plan on making my little man a tee-pee for his 1 year birthday– did you make yours? Adorbs.


Auntie Amy - AHHHH, SO stinkin’ cute!!! Love seeing all these great photos and so happy to see his first birthday was a big hit! Miss him and all his sweet chubbiness SO much! Miss you guys! Muah!

O2 Experience | West Coast Tour

Last month….we packed our bags and traveled as a family to California. We spent the front end in Southern California and the back end in Northern California. The purpose of this trip was for me to photograph the O2 Experience tour for our Pastor, Levi Lusko.

This never gets old. Ever.
What an honor it is for me to document this ministry…and this season in life for the Lusko family.

Below are a few of my favorite images from the tour….


Lisa @ Making Lifes Lemons - I just found you on A Beautiful Mess. You are an amazing photographer. I love your blog and I’m glad I stumbled upon it.

xo Lisa
Making Life’s Lemons


Dija - This looked like an amazing experience! The photos are amazing. What a cool thing to be able to travel with your pastor and capture this event! I found you through and the photography tips! I am amazed all the cool things your are doing with your sites and coffee shop! Great job!