Category Archives: Collaboration

Published | Hearth Magazine

With any photoshoot- there’s always favorites that don’t make the final cut….or never enough pages to feature all the good stuff! So, Im going to share my favorite images from the “Evening Splendor In The Montana Wilderness” photoessay that was featured in the beautiful Hearth Magazine Vol. 2

Thank you again Brenda and Tonya for including this in your latest issue. So honored! The magazine is perfect….very well done.

Jana, this was one of my favorite collaborations! Looking forward to the next one! XO!


Hearth Magazine

I am so thrilled that this photo essay found a home….and a beautiful home tucked within the pages of Hearth Magazine vol 2. As a photographer, there’s nothing more sweet than seeing your art….in print. We’ve become such a “digital” generation that the art of print is lost. This is actually one of my goals for 2014…to print many many photo books!

About a year and a half ago, I collaborated on this project with Jana, Carrie, Ashley, Rae and Emily. The entire day was truly amazing…from the location, the log cabin, interior details, outlining our story, dinner preparations…..and when our jobs were done…we sat around the table and just enjoyed good food, conversation and the beauty that surrounded us.

I couldn’t help but photograph the beautiful presentation from Hearth. Their attention to detail is top notch….and there’s nothing sweeter than receiving pretty mail on your doorstep! I’ll be blogging more of my favorite images from this shoot, but I just had to wait till this was released before I shared any details. Now that it’s out and available for purchase….I’ll share more of this with you!

Thank you Brenda & Tonya for believing in this project…and for showcasing it alongside all the other breathtaking and inspiring images that fill the pages of your magazine. I love Hearth….and I thank your for encouraging the art of storytelling…and taking it to the printer and into the hands of people. I love it! XOXO


December Desktop Download

I can’t believe this is the final desktop + iPhone download for 2013! Thank you for all of your encouragement and support in this series…..I love that many of you are enjoying these as much as I do. Seriously, it’s been such a fun experience to collaborate with Ashley each and every month….and I look forward to continuing this as we soon begin a new year!

I photographed this image as we were driving home from our annual Hunt and Cut tradition. And when I say driving…..we were driving. Well, Reed was driving, while my camera and I were hanging out the window! I guess you could call this photo a drive by. I love it when shots like this happen…..magic when you least expect it!

I wouldn’t necessarily consider myself an outdoorsy girl…..I love the outdoors, but I wouldn’t hunt and cook my own dinner or sleep in a tent all summer long. Well, I’d might consider it if it were a TeePee! You know what I mean.

However, being outdoors is like being awakened from a long and comfortable slumber. Our souls wake up in a way. When we are outdoors, the things that often distract us from being present [computers, social media, tv, radio, cell phones] are removed. Being outdoors gives our souls rest. We can fill our lungs with deep, long breaths and unclutter our thoughts and mind. We were created to be refreshed by the beauty of creation.

I encourage you to take time this month, before this year closes in on us….to step outside….to listen, to pray, to praise, to thank and to be silent….to listen. This holiday season tends to be rushed, while our schedules fill up with places to be and people to see. Take some time out… present with our greatest gift this Christmas…the One who deserves our time and attention, Jesus Christ.

Be encouraged, my friends…..and I pray you have a very Merry Christmas.

Desktop Download // “right click” as save

december desktop-blog

iPhone Wallpaper

december iphone4

November Desktop Download

I love it that a few people messaged me about this months download. Seriously…..just confirms that we aren’t doing this for ourselves. So glad you all are enjoying these monthly downloads! Ashley and I have been collaborating on this for over a year now and I really do look forward to dreaming up a new idea and looking for inspiring quotes every month. So thank you….thank you for supporting this creative project!

I really love this months quote and it’s fitting for November, where we are reminded everywhere we turn…to Give Thanks. What gets me with this quote is the challenge that is attached to it. Don’t just GIVE…..but GIVE FROM YOUR LACK. It’s easy to give from abundance, but when we give from a place where we can really feel it…..thats when our hearts begin to change.

A few goals of mine this month is to give of my time. To open up our home, to have friends around the table and to get to know a complete stranger. My days seem to fly by and our schedules fill up, but it’s intentionality that will slow us down and allow us to connect with those around us. I’ll begin my social media sabbath in the New Year as well. It’s just a good thing to unplug, slow down and re-connect [face to face…online doesn’t count here!]

My dad was so great at investing time into people. He talked with everyone. He knew no stranger. This inspires me to this day. Before my dad went to Heaven- he wasn’t in a good place financially. My sisters and I would all send him what we could to help him out each month and it wasn’t until after he left this earth that I learned that he would use part of the money we sent to buy grocery store gifts cards- to give to others in need. Are you kidding me?!? This didn’t surprise me…this was definitely something my dad would do. My dad always told me that as long as I gave….and helped others, I would be ok. There’s something that happens to our spirit when we take the focus off of ourselves….my dad knew this and I believe this was a huge factor in the joyful spirit that he had even though….times got tough for him.

What are your goals for the month? How do you want to end the year? In honor of my dad….”If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.” How can you be intentional with your time and resources…and in what ways can you give till it hurts?!? I challenge you to slow down and bless someone around you with something simple as time, yet it’s something we all seem to lack these days.

Also, if you’re on INSTAGRAM….join our #ichoosethankfulness series!

Be encouraged, my friends!

Desktop Download // Right Click and SAVE

november desktop-blog

iPhone Wallpaper

november iphone

October Desktop Download

September was a blur. Such a busy-busy month and the first time in over a year that Ashley and I weren’t able to collaborate on this series. I love our mutual commitment to excellence and balance. Neither of us wanted to just throw something together and we both cherished a lot of family time last month….so that alone was worth it.

This months collaboration is extra special because Vanessa of ButterflySparks styled this for us while I was visiting with her in Dallas last week. I love working with Vanessa so I was excited to have her part of this.

I absolutely love the quote this month. Autumn truly is a time of gathering….I’ve already started pulling out my Fall candles and have picked up a few table decorations for dinner parties that I want host this month. October kicks off a new season of gathering….new conversations…& evaluating of goals as we approach the new year.

Seasons like this offer such rich opportunities to connect with people [strangers and loved ones]. I want to be more intentional than ever. I want to use all that God has given me [my house, a kitchen table, a couch, coffee mugs ect…] to connect with friends….on a whole new level. I recently returned from a trip to Nashville, which completely encouraged me. I didn’t realize parts of me  were totally drained….and I needed a re-filling. I love that my friends used their homes as a place of refreshment for me. I want to mirror this.

I hope this new download inspires you….to look for new ways to connect and gather, and most importantly…to be intentional.


Desktop Download // right click and save

iPhone Wallpaper