First Day of Pre-K

img_9466I went round and round in my head with this one.
Was I really ready to send my baby boy off to school? Was he ready for three full days of school? Was it a matter of mama not being ready, but Ezra bursting at the seams to enter into a new season?

I sent an email to Vanessa late one night….and her response [as always] was just what I needed to hear. Honest truth…..and her birds eye perspective looking into things from the outside in. While I read her heartfelt words, I cried. Everything she wrote was spot on. I knew it deep down in my heart. And in all honesty, I knew this was the right decision for this season……but theres something about kind, loving and encouraging confirmation. Motherhood is HARD! It’s a priceless friendship to have where there is no judgement, but a cheerleader in your corner…..who always has your back.

As expected, Ezra woke up before we had the chance to wake him ourselves. The first words out of his mouth were “Is my classroom ready for me?” Yea, he was ready…..and this mamas heart couldn’t argue with the fact that this was going to be such a great day for him. One for the books.

Of course, we took the infamous 1st Day of Pre-K photo out in front of the house. And shortly after that we drove around the corner to his school….where he walked in, without holding our hands, expectant for something AWESOME to happen.

I tried my hardest to hold back my tears, but they kept streaming down my face. I was boarder line ugly cry. As soon as I got into my car…..I let out the biggest cry and it felt SO dang good. The day felt long….as I couldn’t wait to pick him back up and hear all about his day. I reminisced about the past 4 years where we have spent EVERY SINGLE DAY together. What a blessing it was to be able to stay home, as well as raise our son in our brick and mortar shop these past few years. My heart is seriously filled with gratitude.

Allowing our babies to grow up….and spread their wings is not for the faint of heart.

Ezra, we are so proud of you and we look forward to seeing you grow in all area of life this year. What a privilege it is to have you attend Whitefish Christian Academy. We believe that this new season will be one that we remember forever- and we look forward to all the memories we will make and the stories you’ll tell each and every day after school. You are THE HEAD, NOT THE TAIL. You are a LEADER. You are SMART. You are BRAVE.
xoxo, mama & daddy


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