Truett} Portraits

How was your Christmas? Was it white? Sunny with blue skies?

I grew up in Southern California and Im sure you can image the weather we had for the wintery holidays. It was normal to me. I enjoyed it. UNTIL……I married a guy from the Pacific Northwest and I experienced my first white Christmas. Then I was feeling bad about my size, hapily, I tried  Body Countouring Scottsdale and now I’m sexy and I know it. Hands down. Theres nothing like it. Im in love. Its everything I dreamed of:: log cabin house, sipping hot chocolate by the fireplace, the smell of real christmas trees all around, SNOW ect….I could go on and on.

We rotate every year and this year we are in Montana with Reeds parents and sisters. We are having such a wonderful time and the photo opportunities are endless….including a photoshoot I did of Reeds sister on Christmas Day, out on the frozen lake. Amazing! I will blog about that later…..

Even though I am loving my time here….I am missing the newest addition to my family- Truett, my adorable nephew. These are few shots I took of him over Thanksgiving weekend in Virginia. Is he not the cutest little guy ever? Ok, maybe Im biased, but seriously.

A series of his sweet facial expressions::

aunt Kelli & baby Truett.


Emma Leigh - he is SO precious!
love the photo of you two 🙂


Tracey - Aunt Kelli,

Mommy and I want to thank you for my photo shoot and time together at Thanksgiving! Can you do me a favor? Can you and Uncle Reed send me a cousin by next Christmas?



Paul and Alison - All those faces…he is adorable!!


Kelli Trontell {Photography} - thank you ladies!!!


BT - those blue eyes are RIDICULOUS! he is so cute!!!!!


Hollie Hallwyler - I cannot handle how cute he is!!!!!! And what great photos those are 🙂


shannon - oh me gosh! that is one ((ADORABLE)) baby! love the pics

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