Moving Mountains

One year ago today I was laid off from my job at an advertising agency in downtown Nashville. Goodness, I remember it so clearly. It seems like yesterday when I was sitting across from the CFO as her mouth was moving, but my mind was wondering off towards new dreams and visions. As I left the building and was walking to my car I had no idea what the next day, week, month or even year would look like for me. At the time, I was in a music group called COLMANblue and we were really hoping to move things ahead. I was hopeful in the midst of the unknown.

Let me back this up. It was Easter 2009 and our pastor was talking about purpose. I sat in my chair that Sunday and really examined my life. Was I really doing what I was called to do or was I putting my hands to things that I selfishly wanted to obtain? Pursing my own dreams? My own visions? The last thing that I wrote in my journal that day was:

“I don’t want to be a person doing things that God has never called me to do in the first place.”

So, as I was hearing the dreaded words of being let go- just three days after Easter- my mind went to that place in my journal. I was hearing the words “Now Go. Do what I have called you to do.”

So much has happened in this ONE YEAR. Never before have I felt more in line with what I am being called to do with my life. The funny thing is, it hardly involves what I have been trained to do since I was a little girl. The music that I had been pursuing had come to an end and I found myself in a whole new place, but never alone. I am being REFINED. REDEFINED. SHARPENED. TRUSTED. LOVED.

So, I sit here in my office away from the office [Starbucks] and I write to you to tell you….to listen. Be aware. Be intentional. Dream. Take chances. Believe. Have faith. Life is fast and ever changing. God dreams much bigger dreams than we could ever begin to touch, and honestly our dreams don’t even come close to the magic He desires for us. He’s not even effected by time frames….how amazing is that!?!?

“God trains the called, he doesn’t necessarily call the trained.”

I am a people person. I love a good conversation. I value relationships. All of these things are what I get to experience on a daily basis with photography. Yes, I love nothing more than a ridiculously radical photo, but first and foremost….its YOU! It’s an honor for me to really get into the lives of people…..with guards down…..being real and authentic. This is where true magic begins.

The opportunities that have come my way in just the last few months have completely blown my mind. I’ll be announcing a few of those things later this week. It just amazes me how quickly things come together when you are doing what you’re called to do. I whole heartedly believe in proper alignment….being at the right place, at the right time, doing the right things with the right people. Try it! Life is just better this way…….

Is anyone else out there hearing what I am saying? Where are you at in this season of life?

Be encouraged! And lets move mountains! I dare you.

p.s the CFO that laid me off….later hired me to photograph her daughters wedding. Seriously?!? Life always works out.


Sarah Tweet - Kelli,
You are truly an inspiration… You live and breath your passion so much that it is contagious to everyone you come in contact with. I have personally been affected very much by this magic you posses. Thank you for being who God has called you to be. You are a gift to this world.


Jaime - Kelli your devotion, your purphose, your discipling, your hungry to do God’s will and dreams is making you a mighty warrior in the Kingdom. Just wanted you to know just how writing a simple blog with your guards down can inspire, bring hope, and shower blessing upon your readers. God has filled with such beauty, and wisdom. Just WOW! what a blessing!


Kristine Ridley - Thank you for this Kelli. This was exactly what I needed to read. God is so SO freakin BIG. If we are completely trusting him we have no reason to fear anything. 🙂


Vicki - You amaze me Kelli. Not only with your eye for the perfect “shot” but also your heart. You have always had a passion for life but your passion for the things of God is what truly blesses my heart. Thank you for sharing. Love you!


Lindey - Kelli – thank you for sharing this post. You know it inspires me. To answer your question “what season are you in your life” – I am in the greatest season of all, God is changing me. In the beginning the change hurt A LOT, but now I see the glory in it all. Being stripped from the things & people in my life I thought needed made so AWARE of God’s presence in my life.

TRULY putting God first in my life made me aware of all the work He is doing in my life. Persevering through the hard times makes you stronger and brings you closer to Him. TRULY being aware of Him brings happiness.


=o) kel - hi kelli – another kelli here 🙂 i take your dare!! i am from indiebiz and i am so inspired by not only the class but by the other students and the collaborative drive to DO SOMETHING BIG. i am an aspiring photographer and will actually be pursuing that when i return to college this coming fall and am so inspired when i see not only beautiful people but personalities captured which you do so well. i am so sorry you got laid off from that last job but SO HAPPY that it led you to this point in your life. congratulations for realizing what’s important and making things work for yourself. hope to keep in touch!!

lovies, =o) kel


Alison Hillenbrand - An inspiration indeed!! Thank you for living your life out so openly before us. Your journey this last year has been an inspiration and a testimate that following God’s will and purpose for your life doesn’t mean your life will be boring or unenjoyable. He wants us to enjoy this journey and have fun while we use the gifts He’s given us to bless and minister to others. YOU my friend have captured this, it’s tremendous!! And I am so proud of you. I share your story often.


Iris - Hello Kelli. I came across your blog surfing Promise’s site. I just read your post on Moving Mountains & it struck a cord. I have been in an internal struggle with myself. I know I was meant to create images and art from a very young age and like yourself I love people, magical moments, the good in things. Somewhere along the way I have lost myself trying to keep up with life and bills. You’ve inspired me to find the road again. Beautiful written words. I thank u!


Tristian - Kelli Thank you so much for being YOU!!! I love you friend and I cant wait to work together! 🙂 I NEEDED to read this and know that I can do what He has called me to do!


Reed - I am SO proud of you WIFE!:)


Anya Elise - I couldn’t agree more. There are always going to be those moments in our lives where things seem to be crashing down around us and we’re left feeling rather bewildered and lost. But really, maybe there’s something behind whatever crumbled away that we couldn’t see before, and that something is exactly what we’re supposed to turn to.

I love that last little detail about the CFO hiring you for her daughter’s wedding. Just more proof that things will work out in radical and unexpected ways!


Matt Dudley - Great post. Congrats on TaborJean… hope the new venture is a complete success.


The Velvet Trunk - Just now seeing this and am not a bit surprised. The Lord did the same thing to me over three years ago and there were so many moments where I was left with my mouth hanging open at how He provided. And I proably cried for the first three months or so out of amazement b/c He KNEW… He knew I was too chicken to jump out on my own, so He pushed me out and then told me to jump. I would have never had the courage to do it otherwise. What a gentle God…

You are on an adventure with God and there is no sweeter place to be. So incredibly excited for you girl!! Yay! God is SO stinking cool!!



rachel! - that’s sooo amazing. i love how god closes doors & opens other ones. i’m in the midst of changing from a business major to an art major…i think. it’s just so hard to be sure of God’s plan sometimes… well, especially when it’s what I want. because i want to feel like i’m doing it for god, and not myself. but then again, maybe that’s a good thing. thanks for sharing. i really really like your blog already! and sooo exciting about tabor jeans. i recently realized that i would LOVE to go into the wedding industry, so i’ll be reading to see how it goes!


Nedra - Kelli! Wow, thank you so much for sharing your heart, it’s so encouraging to read how God uses what seem like difficult circumstances at the time, to empower us to take risks and trust Him! Love your photography, love your blog. Can’t wait to see all that happens this year!


christy - can I just tell u how much this post meant to me? even though i always dream, but maybe feel it’s not my time…or maybe God has other dreams in store for me….i long to know what God’s will is for my life…i think i put limits on it…i get practical or maybe what it really is, is that i put my dreams aside in case those aren’t the dreams for me….do i make sense???? sorry if i am talking nonsense….it’sjust forever since i have felt like i have no idea what my calling was…what is my purpose? what r my gifts…anyway..i know God is trying to tell me, i just hope i don’t miss it because i am stressing about it…anyway…i know u proabaly have read thru all these comments already, but i had to tell u this post inspired me:)

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