I’m pretty sure I was just as excited about this GOLDEN 6th birthday of his as he was. Usually I’m the one crying the evening before, reminiscing about all the things, but I couldn’t wait till morning. His 5th year of life was hard and heartbreaking. They say kids are resilient, but that doesn’t make our nightmare go away or feel any better. So today…..we celebrated SIX and tonight we spoke life and hope over this brand new year.
Ezra Brave is a gift. His heart is tender and kind. He is a leader. He is the head and not the tail. His voice is loud. His personality is bright. His heart is joyful…..as he sings and hums all day long. What an honor it is to be his mother. We were chosen for such a time as this.
I love this boy, who is a man of honor in training……with all my heart.
Happy Birthday, Ezra 💛🏹 .